Bea Goodwin, Stage Director
Charles Weaver, Conductor and Music Director
You-Shin Chen, Scenic Designer
Dante Olivia Smith, Lighting Designer
Claire Townsend, Costume Designer
La Calisto retells Book II of Ovid’s Metamorphoses: an ancient myth that dives deep into matters of gender, power & infidelity.
The Earth is in smoky ruin from a wayward thunderbolt cast by Jove at an errant chariot. The archers mourn the destruction of their land, while Destiny convinces Eternity and Nature that Calisto, Diana’s head archer, merits her own place with them in the heavens.
Jove and Mercury descend to Earth to restore the damage. There, they find Calisto, a pure nymph archer, searching for drinkable water. Jove is enamored of her and, attempting to impress her, restores the spring. She rejects his advances, explaining that she and her fellow archers are chaste followers of Diana. Mercury suggests that he should disguise himself as Diana to makes another try with Calisto. Jove admires this fool-proof plan and obliges. Calisto returns to drink at the spring and celebrates her liberties as an independent woman. Jove returns disguised as Diana and the young archeress reciprocates the false-goddesses kisses.
Meanwhile, the real Diana appears with her archers, including Linea. Endymion, the poetic shepherd/ astronomer is in love with Diana and confesses his unrequited love for her. Linfea tries to drive him away and to his dismay, Diana too dismisses him coldly (but only to hide her true feelings of love). Calisto makes her way back to the archers, still experiencing the excitement of their rendevous with the false Diana. The true Diana is confused and offended by Calisto’s account of their kissing and banishes her from their company.
Linfea’s observations make her start to think she may want a lover. Satirino, a small young satyr, overhears her confession and thinks he’d be good for the job. Sylvano and Pan arrive, Pan, lamenting his love for Diana. Pan is convinced there is another man, so they devise a plan to kill her lover and then suggests he go to sleep.
Endymion looks up to the night sky observing Diana in her form as the moon. As he sleeps, Diana descends to him and can not resist going right to his arms. He wakes up to her presence and tells her that their love is just as it was in his dreams. Satirino spies on them and comments on how unpredictable women can be.
Jove’s wife, Juno, descends to Earth to spy on her husband. She encounters Calisto first, and the girl tells of her intimacy with Diana. Juno suspects that Calisto’s “Diana” was actually her husband in a disguise. Jove-as-Diana arrives with Mercury in search of Calisto. Endymion arrives and flirts with the imposter, but is disappointed by her response.
Calisto and Diana depart, leaving Juno furious. Pan has overheard everything, but unaware of Jove’s disguise. Believing that Endymion is Diana’s lover, Pan, and his gang capture him.
Juno and her band of Furies taunt Calisto. Juno curses Calisto, turning her into a bear. The real Diana rescues Endymion; Pan and his goat friends realize that they will never be able to win Diana over and release him. The lovers vow to stay together.
Jove confesses his genuine love for Calisto but admits his lack of powers to undo Juno’s curse. He will save a place for her in the stars once she lives out the rest of her life as a bear. He takes her up into the heavens and shows her where she will live forever, as Ursa Major.