My Collab with @360ofOpera!
I don’t know about you, but I’m always losing my sh!t figuratively & literally when I’m busy. Keys? Missing. Phone? Who knows. Mask? Add that to the list.
Tote bags are my bffs & I’m rarely seen without one. I always carry a notebook and pens for libretti/song ideas. Books on books on books as I’m researching. When I’m stage directing, I always have my score and my iPad for rehearsals. Tech week? Throw a bag of Chex Mix in there too.
I partnered with @360ofOpera to design a tote bag for all my fellow artists on the go. Our industry will be opening up soon, I know it, so we have got to be prepared. Tag me when you get your order ( @be_goodwin , #beathreesixty ) & tell me what’s in your bag!